Thursday, November 09, 2006

My "masterpiece"

Today I finally brought home my plaster sculpture, which I'd completed during sculpture class yesterday. The goal of this project was to create any kind of object that would be found at the children's playground. I decided to make one of those tubes that kids can crawl in on all fours and explore, so here is the result:

Hollowing it out was the hardest part of it, since the only tools I had were a chisel, paring knife and a file. Most of the other students made shapes of animals, and I was the only one who made something as abstract as this.

Top view.

From the other side.

This piece is going to be displayed at the campus' gallery next spring, so I'm excited about it! I think I will color it with acrylic paint, since right now it's rather powdery and flaky. If you have any ideas about what kinds of colors or patterns to use on it, I would be happy to hear it! :)

And since I am tired of looking at all this whiteness of the plaster, I'm putting something with a little more color here:

A little green gecko that I took into custody the other day, because it was running around everywhere in our room. I later let it go out of the house, of course. ;) It was really cute!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Sorry for not updating in... *looks at calendar* 3 weeks. :S Blogging no longer seems to be part of my daily habit.

Well, Hawaii is going into the cooler season now, even though it is still very hot in the sun. That means it rains more often, (we got drenched last Thursday) and places such as Diamond Head become greener.
College is still going pretty well. We're now into our 12th week (out of 16).. can't believe it's passing by so fast! Both my sculpture class and design classe are still a lot of fun!

Yesterday, Erin and I went to Waikiki beach. It was so nice as I had not been to the beach in 2 months! :) The place was very crowded, since it had been continuously cloudy or rainy for a few days before that. Nevertheless it was really nice to be there, and Erin's big float thing was really fun to play with!

Here are a couple of pics:

This is the view I enjoyed while lying down on my back, getting a tan. :P

Tomorrow is Election Day, so there's no school!! :D *throws confetti around* We don't have as many holidays here as we do in Japan, so it's really exciting!