Monday, February 12, 2007

Mondays are busy days!

Long time no post! I actually got sick last week, for the first time since coming to Hawaii. It felt really strange to feel so sick with sinus congestion and fever when I am not in a cold place. So I had to skip my drawing class last Wednesday.

So this morning I was determined to catch up with the rest of my drawing class for what I missed the other day. We spent the whole time drawing a teddy bear, to study texture and overlapping techniques. I'm a little proud of what I drew today, because I managed to complete two drawings in the time it took everyone else to draw one.

The drawing on the left is the dynamic one while the other one is more realistic. The realistic one took about an hour, and the dynamic one took about 30 minutes to draw.

After this class was over, I went back home, studied a little, ate lunch, then went to my second class, which is interface programming and starts at 1:45pm. I love that class but the classroom is really cold!! brrr...

Finally, I had the stagecraft course from 5:00pm, which as usual went overtime. It finished at about 6:30pm, and Erin came by car to take me home just in time for me to get ready and go to the New Hope young adult meeting with Priscilla. I like going to the New Hope thing because I get to be with other Christians who are college students. We finished and got back home after 8:30pm and then had dinner.

So that's what my Mondays are usually like. There's a lot to do but I enjoy everything! :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

A very eventful day

I did many things today, but it didn't seem like a very long day because I enjoyed everything I did. At 8:00am in the morning, I went to my usual drawing class. I'm still probably the best student in that class because I am so ahead of the others that the teacher doesn't call me anymore when he calls the rest of the students to watch him draw demos (I still watch with the rest of them though). There's another girl who is pretty good at drawing, and she and I are the only lefties in the class. Yay lefties rule!! :)

I usually go home after that class, which ends at 10:30am, but I stayed on campus today and helped the Koa Gallery set up their next show. This show is for the works of an artist couple: the husband does photography and the wife does ceramics. According to my gallery teacher they are pretty well known artists in Hawaii. Both of them used to live in Japan, so I could talk with them in Japan. The coolest thing happened during lunch break when my gallery instructor asked me to take the two artists to Subway to have lunch. They gave me money for lunch and we actually ate together! Only after I said good-bye to them did I realize that I'd just had lunch with two real professional artists! Wow...

After that I went straight off to the interface programming class, then to the stagecraft class. By the time we were finished, it was already 6:30pm. Can't believe I was on campus all day from 8:00am to 6:30pm... it didn't seem that long. After getting back home, Priscilla and I soon left to go to the New Hope young adult ministry, where we got together with other young Christians and had a small service and discussion. We finished and came back home at around 8:30pm.

So that's what my busy, eventful day was like.

Tomorrow I have another driving practice in the morning, then off to class. :) I need to be awake and alert when I drive so I'd better go to bed soon. G'night!