Saturday, January 07, 2006

One of those nice, quiet days just before the coming of a new semester

I had a wonderful time back in Japan, and I'm going to miss everyone back home while I'm here! Here are some random pics I took in Japan:

"Hey, when are you gonna let me out of this cramped cage??"

Our Christmas Hula/Sign Dance performance!

The huge, moving crab in Osaka.

This is the kind of food that we can't easily find in Hawaii!

Anyway, Erin and I left Japan at around 9:20pm on Friday. The flight was okay, but there was a lot of turbulence along the way. I watched a movie and played some games, but could not get any real sleep.

At the airport, we had some trouble getting out of the place because of something we forgot to do with our student Visa. Well, we got out about an hour later than expected, but Ericson was still waiting to pick us up.

After getting home, we immediately went to the campus to buy textbooks, then to some other places like the post office. Unpacking took some time because I had to sort out what omiyage to give to each person. After it was done and I had sent a mail or two, I fell asleep! LOL

Woke up at around 5:30pm, got ready, and went to the Friday service at the Kaimuki Church. We took all our omiyage to church to give them to friends, but many of them happened to be absent that night.

We were sleepy after the service, so we went home, had some dinner, and went to bed.

Today, we woke up very late! That was a good thing, since we needed the sleep. We got to go to Costco and do some shopping. Things are so much cheaper here than in Japan, especially in Costco!

In the afternoon, we watched the movie Sister Act, since it was on TV. Erin went shopping after that, while I stayed at home and chatted with my family.
For dinner, we ate the thickly sliced sashimi from Costco... pretty good, but of course nothing like the stuff we find in Japan! :P

Erin's gone to bed already, and I think I should do the same. Good night!


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lol, I like all the pictures! Glad your flight went more or less smoothly.


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