Sunday, December 11, 2005

A veeerry eventful Sunday!

Today started out with all four of us having breakfast together (which happens only on Sunday). It was Naomi's turn for leading our service, and her sermon was about our need to fear the Lord. Our church, now called the House of Chloe Church, is taking a new step right now and needs lots of prayers.

At around noon, Naomi and Priscilla went off with Aunt Jean and her boyfriend Reed, to fly in an airplane and a glider (read about it in Priscilla's blog). Erin and I, meanwhile, decided to go to the beach. It was a sudden decision, but soon we were all ready to go! We went to the Kahala Beach, which is a kind of local beach... it was so quiet, unpopulated, and beautiful!

We drew figures on the sand, played around with what the waves washed up, and Erin even took a nap in the sun! Here is a beautiful view of Cocohead from the beach.

The kind of view you get when you lie on your back on the sand.

Since Erin was half asleep in the sun, I played around with some random stuff lying about. Here is a weird, grinning face...

Does this look like a boat?

A very sad moment in which my name was obliterated by the waves... :(

Oh look, a teeny tiny crab (I thought it was a bug at first)! Its eyes look like they're bulging from the pressure of my fingers! LOL Don't worry, I let it go later.

After the beach, we shopped at Longs Drugstore and went back home a while before Naomi and Priscilla returned from their experience in the air.

From 5:30pm, we went to a fine dining place called Nick's Fishmarket for a party of the sign dancing team of the Kaimuki Church. There were about 20 people there in all, and the food was all delicious! Mmmmm escargo!! Later there were some games and lots of passing Christmas gifts around. I didn't get many pictures of the party, but I'm sure you'll find them in Priscilla's blog. :)

We got home at around 9:00pm, carrying some gifts that we had received.

There are two final exams for me tomorrow... wish me luck!


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