Sunday, December 04, 2005

Great morning service (and shopping in the afternoon)

Today, Erin led our church service in the morning. She played the keyboards during worship while I played the guitar. I think that my guitar skills are still rather rusty... must practice more often! We listened to another one of my father's sermons, the one entitled "Experience in the Desert". He preached that God uses people who have experienced the desert and are humble, like Moses after 40 years as a shepherd.

For lunch, we went to eat at CPK (Californian Pizza Kitchen) at Kahala Mall, though it was crowded as usual and we had to shop and wait for some time. After we had eaten good pizza and jambalaya, Naomi and Priscilla went off by car to do some shopping at Walmart and other places while Erin and I stayed at Kahala Mall.

Erin actually had work to do, so she stayed and worked on her laptop at Starbucks. I went shopping by myself, and found Christmas gifts for all the KCIS kids back home in Japan. I also found some other gifts as well, but what they are is a secret because the people I'm giving them to might be reading this blog. :P

This is the hall of Kahala Mall, looking all Christmassy.

Erin and I shopped together for the last hour or so, and while we were shopping, there was rain and thunder outside! Ooh scary. We looked around at several places before Naomi and Priscilla came back with the car and picked us up to go home.

I'm glad I finished a lot of the Christmas shopping today, and in a kind of relaxing way. We spent the rest of the day at home and ate rice and gyoza for dinner.

From tomorrow starts the last normal week of school! :D Hurray!!!


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

aaah, you're so lucky you have only one more week of college!


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