Long Live Aslan!
In the morning today, Priscilla went off to her drum lesson at church. I stayed at home and did a few things, such as clean the house and organize the Christmas gifts I got for everyone (to prapare to wrap them).
At around 12:20pm, Erin, Priscilla and I drove to Ward Theatres to see The

All the four kids were perfect for their roles... Lucy was

The story was very true to the book as well, and what little change that they made didn't bother me at all.

I was also amazed that they made the action and battle scenes very exciting while keeping it within the PG limit. It was well done, without any gore or needless violence (and other ugly stuff).
I loved the movie... I might even get a DVD when it comes out!
After we left the theatre, we went to Piers 1 Imports to buy Christmas gifts for a party we're going to tomorrow. On the way back home, we picked up Macdonald burgers to eat for dinner.
Most of the rest of the evening and night was spent wrapping the Christmas gifts. The square-shaped ones are easy, but those soft, irregularly shaped ones!! Well, at least I am almost done now.
Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm looking forward to listening to a sermon from home!
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