Monday, December 05, 2005

The last week of school... well, sort of

Today was more or less a normal Monday, except that we are starting to prepare for the final exam.

During ASL class, we practiced for final exam, which like I said will be a 10-minute conversation with the teacher, one to one. Our teacher makes it so easy for us; she's even given us study guides just for the final.

Our English class was pretty normal, too, and we all snickered in silence while the weird guy Gordon started babbling about his friends again and couldn't seem to stop. To think that I might be in the same English 257 class with him again! *groan*

After lunch break at home and watching an episode from the TV show Maverick , Priscilla and I went to our math class, where we got our test results... this time, we both got perfect score! ;D Me is very happy!!

After walking back home, I spent most of the time doing random things until dinner time, when we ate hamburgers and eggplant while watching F Troop, yet another funny TV show.

Right now, including all final exams, I have 1 more English class, 2 more math classes, 2 art classes (no test!), 3 history classes, and 3 of ASL.... and that's it! We're done!! :D Okay before I get too excited about it, I'd better prepare myself for the finals.

Sorry.. no pics today!


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Elle said...

Thats nice that you got a good score on your math!! Can't wait till you come back to Japan!!!!! XD

At 1:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, you have to tell me all about Gordon when you come back. :P And yeah, nice about your score on math!


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