Friday, December 09, 2005

Relaxing Friday... and an interesting dinnertime theology discussion

This morning was Priscilla's ballet final exam performance, so Naomi and I went to see it and take some pictures. The performance was really nice and beautiful. Afterwards we stayed on to watch some modern dancing... some were good but some were rather weird. I don't really get those dances where they crawl and writhe on the floor.

I finished up the final touches to my painting after leaving the theater building. I like this painting, but to me it looks a bit too much like a photograph and not very painterly. We'll have our last art critique next Tuesday, and that will be the end of my art class. :(

After walking home, I stayed at home and did various things, like chat with people and watch Hogan's Heroes with Priscilla.

In the evening, all of us went to the Friday evening service at the Kaimuki Church. The worship is becoming more Christmassy now. :) It was interesting when we sang "Silent Night" in Hawaiian. The sermon was about the Narnia Chronicles again... more specifically, about temptation and the "Turkish delight".

After the service was over, Naomi, Priscilla, Brandon and Christi, Matt, Ardell and I went to the delicious Kyoto ramen place again! While eating, Brandon started a serious kind of discussion on questions like "what is heaven?". It was mostly Brandon and Naomi who did the discussing, but Priscilla and I were of course listening attentively and were with Naomi all the way.
I think it was a good discussion, although it made me very sleepy at the end.

Tomorrow we're going to see Narnia!! Cannot wait!


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