Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My very last class for this year! *sniff*

This morning, we woke up and almost immediately started studying for the history exam, which was to take place today from 10:00am to 12:00pm. We'd studied all night yesterday, but still felt the need to study some more!

The final exam turned out to be not so difficult, although there were 5 short essays (identifications) to write. I think that I will get an A for this class unless I did terrible on the final!

We finished up the test at around 11:30am and were picked up by Naomi; we picked up sushi for lunch before going home. While eating the delicious sushi, we watched 2 episodes of Hogan's Heroes. They were so funny!!

From 1:45pm, I went to my last art class... it was a critique on our last two paintings. The paintings were all complete, so we put them side by side against the wall to see them and comment on them one by one.

Mr. Sunabe, the art instructor, admiring (?) his students' works.

Since there were two paintings per student, it took some time to critique each and every one of them.

After about an hour, we took a break and ate the food some of the students had brought. There were doughnuts, croissants, French and sourdough bread, chili and rice, chips, and a few more stuff which I can't remember! It was almost like a second lunch, and I was full for the rest of the afternoon.

Mr. Sunabe commented on my last painting (the Hawaiian one) as a contemporary form of impressionism... while most students went to the more modern, abstract styles for their last scenery, my painting retained the characteristics of impressionism. So I guess I am still labeled as an Impressionist. :)

Some of these other students' paintings are really good, too! (mine's on the very left)

In the end, I managed to snap a group picture before everyone left. It's kinda sad to think that the group won't be getting together again, since we got to know each other pretty well over the semester. I really enjoyed this class, and I can't wait to take an intermediate painting class in one of my later semesters!

Erin came to pick me up, and I took home all my art supplies and other random things that had accumulated at the studio.

I'm so relieved to have finished every class finals for this semester! Now to wait for the final grades...


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