Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This is going to be a long semester!

I woke up at 7:00am this morning, the time I will be waking up every Monday and Wednesday for this semester. Naomi dropped me and Erin off at campus for our 8:00am classes.

I took my "Fantasy meal" story to the digital art class; the students had to trade the papers and edit each other's work. I corrected a Japanese girl's story, which was about traditional new year food (datemaki, kurikintoki, etc) dancing and singing with instruments. Our homework for next week is to start sketching a picture from our story, in order to make a picture using Adobe Illustrator. We got to fiddle (LOL just now I wrote "diffle"!) around with that software... though it was real basic stuff like copy & paste.

That class lasted for 2 1/2 hours. After it was over at 10:30am, I had less than 15 minutes to run to another building for my "Multiethnic Hawaiian Literature" English class. I'm taking this class mostly because I kinda have to, but I also think that it's good to learn about the culture of Hawaii by reading books about it (okay I'm just trying to make myself more enthusiastic). So far it's not difficult, but not too fun either... we got into groups of 2 or 3 and analyzed poems.

At 12:00pm it was finished, so I went up to the parking lot, where I met up with Naomi and waited for Priscilla to come pick us up by car. Since I had no more classes for the day, I stayed at home and relaxed while doing a little homework.

I must've been really bored when I took this utterly meaningless picture..

While eating the ramen from Japan for lunch, Priscilla and I watched a movie called "Showtime". It was one of those funny, stupid movies. Of course, what could I expect of a movie with Eddy Murphy?

The afternoon and evening went by rather slowly. Erin came back from her guitar class in the evening, then for dinner, we ate tuna sandwich.

My day starts early again tomorrow, because Naomi is going to drop me off at campus at 8:00am. I will have three classes tomorrow, including music and theatre! Yay! :D


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, meaningless picture is right! :P I like your shirt though.


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