Monday, August 08, 2005

My.. Precious......

Okay that was a bit creepy, I know, but guess what I bought today: my guitar! It's a nice Yamaha acoustic guitar, and I got it for a very good price at Costco (who can beat Costco in price?).

Today there wasn't anything for me to do about college registration, so I spent a rather eventless morning, reading and playing computer. After a while I decided that I was getting too lazy and practiced some drawings with pencil so as not to get rusty. Sorry, no pics of drawings. I intend to do some watercolor before school starts, so I'll put them up when I'm done. ;)

After lunch, I accompanied Priscilla and Naomi to Costco, where I got my guitar! Okay, the guitar was just one of the many important things we got. We also got a keyboard to use for our own church services. Naomi bought me a cute skirt! *bounces up and down* Oh, and I got a DVD set with two (you're not gonna believe it)... Veggietales discs! LOL I can't believe I got that, but then they are the two latest DVDs, so considering the price they were worth it.
On the way back, we stopped by near a beach and took some pics.

Got back home, read some more, then watched one of the Veggie DVDs with Erin (as I found out recently, she is a French Peas fan) while Priscilla was out taking driving lesson. It was called Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush. Yeah it sounds silly, and it actually was quite funny... it was like a parody of Indiana Jones, and it was about Minnesota Cuke (Larry/Indiana Jones?) who goes out to search Samson's hairbrush that supposedly gives the wielder "The Power" of some sort.

At 6:30pm we all went to Nick & Heather's house, where we were invited for dinner. I remembered the couple from my visit two years ago, when their first daughter, Malia, was just a little baby. Wow she was much bigger (of course), and there was their second child, Bella. They are a very nice family and we all had a great time together. They had fixed us a good dinner, and after dessert we played some card games like Uno and "The Pig's Tail". Finally we ended up watching King George and the Ducky together (what's all this with Veggietales today??). Anyway, it was a really fun time.

We arrived home after 10:00, so now I'm all ready to go to bed!!

This is Malia.

A pic of everyone together after dinner. :D


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol Veggie Tales are addictive :D

At 1:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The Veggie craze! :P Wow, that's nice that you got your guitar!

At 4:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maki, thanks for commenting in my space/blog. The birds started to feed a little by themselves today. Tho' both are budgies, their characters are so different! Being the good 'parent' that I am, I won't say or even show which one I prefer ;-)

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I'll be careful not to double post this one!

"Pizza angel, please come to meee!!" I watched the trailer. I want to watch the real thing!

And it's a really nice guitar!

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Okay everyone, just ignore the two comments above. ;) I'm sure you're all smart enough to not click those links.

Hey Takuma I'll bring home the DVD for Christmas OK? :D

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Tsubasa Kato said...

nice guitar. is that one of the "L series" YAMAHA acoustic?

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Lessee... *looks at guitar* it says inside the hole (yeah I call it "the hole".. the hole that eats my picks) that it's Yamaha FD02.


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