Thursday, November 17, 2005

I got all my classes!! (^v^)

Today's History class was pretty easy-going... the map quiz was really easy as well. Mr. Cassity finished up talking about the Muslim Empire. Soon we will have to start writing a 4-page essay about Sophocle's Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex and Antigone. Come to think of it, I will have to write three pages, each 3 or 4 pages long, in the next 2 weeks.

After having fried rice for lunch at home, I went to art class. Unfortunately, I forgot to take with me the original Pissarro artwork which I'm using as an example, so I had to use my memory and imagination to paint today. Naturally, I didn't get that much done today, so I'll complete it tomorrow and put it up on the blog then. ;)

Erin cooked yummy chicken-katsu for dinner while I did my ASL homework. We ate quickly to finish before the Bible study class took place at home. Since Naomi and Priscilla were both away practicing stuff at church, they came back later in the night. The lady who comes to the Bible study gave each of us a cute tea cup filled with chocolate and a lamb!

Okay I am off to bed now so I can have a fresh start tomorrow for ASL class!


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Awww, that's a really cute pic. :D


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