Monday, November 07, 2005

IT IS FINISHED!! *skips and dances*

Today was another headache day... well, only in the morning and early afternoon, but that put me in a kind of daze during ASL class. Why do I get headaches on Mondays and Wednesdays?? I even walked away from the teacher while she was signing at me... kinda embarrassing (and rude), now that I think about it. But at the time I could hardly think at all.

English class was rather interesting but a bit slow again... Ms. G. seemed to be in a rather foul mood today, probably because some of the students weren't doing what she told them to do. I'd feel the same way in her place.

Went home, ate lunch, then drove off to Math class. As usual, it finished about 30 minutes earlier than the official end of class. On the way home, I stopped by at the KCC Library... the building looks like this:

I borrowed a big fat book on Impressionism art to decide what I'm going to paint tomorrow.

After much debate with myself, I finally decided on one painting by Camille Pissarro. I love this one!

I also FINALLY finished my Siddhartha essay this evening! Priscilla and I read each others and gave each other a little bit of corrections. Mine is nearly a whole 5 pages long... I hope the teacher won't mind it.

We watched Hogan's Heroes while eating dinner.. it's such a great way to relax. Tomorrow we'll be handing in our Siddhartha essays and will also take a book quiz on it!


At 1:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, hurrah for Siddhartha essay being done! I read Priscilla's, sounds like the book was really deep and stuff.

And I like the painting. :D Post yours up when you're done!


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