Sunday, November 06, 2005

Japanese dances are so cool! (when done correctly)

This morning, we went to the 8:30am KCC service because Erin was to play the keyboard during worship. It turned out to be a looooong service, because they brought in a special guest speaker, a guy from Kenya. At first he spoke about his background and his vision, which was interesting... and then he started talking about the poor and homeless in Africa. He went on to ask the rich Americans for financial aid.

At home, we had our own service. Erin led it again since Naomi isn't here, and she said that we must move on with our faith to become ones who bear fruit, like the seed in the parable Jesus told.

At around 12:30pm, we left home to go to the Japanese Dance performance thing that Aunt Jean had invited us to. At first, there were several local Japanese old ladies doing some slow dances, and they were pretty bad. One even staggered while attempting to kneel and had to push herself back up.

This was actually a teacher, but we didn't think she did very well.

The taller lady is Aunt Jean's friend. She was really good, but was teamed up with an ugly shorter lady.

And then came a 12-member group of young people from Yokohama, and they really livened up our time there! Their show was about 30 minutes long, and the dances were a mix of traditional and modern styles.

I would put videos of their performance, but the files are a bit too large.

The guys did this cool dance with katana swords.

Finally, they did a Hokkaido dance which they did really well! At the end, they threw us gifts from the stage: Japanese hand towels. We later had some fun by tying them around our heads like headbands.

We left right after this group was finished, and went home. Priscilla and I worked on our essays. I now have only the conclusion left to write! Woohoo!!

After dinner, Priscilla and I watched the movie Father Goose, with Cary Grant. It was so funny and the romance in it was so cute!

Okay, 12th week of school is about to start.. Good night!


At 2:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

nice pictures! very kakkoi, as my mom says. I agree! ^_^

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Tsubasa Kato said...

12th week of school... :) lol :^)


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