Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween is such a big deal here..

Today, the population on the entire campus was a little smaller than usual, probably because many students decided to stay at home or go somewhere and celebrate Halloween. Frankly, I don't see why it's such a big deal here... what 's there to celebrate about? Well, it was a bit amusing when we saw an evil-looking witch walking across a parking lot in the morning (on her way to a costume contest, no doubt).

Today's ASL class was pretty fun, because we got to learn signs for many European and Asian countries. English class was pretty fun too, although still a bit slow.

After lunch came the Math class. It wasn't difficult... we're still learning about probability, the kind of stuff that comes in handy when gambling. I probably won't use it anyway, because I don't plan on gambling at all.

Went home after math, finished up the homework, and continued writing my English essay until my brain went numb. At least there is less than a page to go! We ended up watching more Hogan's Heroes episodes after dinner.

Since it was Halloween (not that we're celebrating), we lit the candles in our feline jack-o'lanterns to see how they would glow in the dark. They looked pretty cute! One thing we didn't think about was that the kids would be attracted by the lanterns and come for "trick or treat", asking for candies.

Well, maybe they look a little scary from below.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

LOL, the last one IS rather creepy...the top one's quite cute. Yeah, I wonder exactly what the holiday (Halloween) is about...I remember at school we were going, "It's Satan's birthday, so it's bad!" lol, but interesting.


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