Monday, October 24, 2005

Dinner with Aunt Jean

Today was a pretty normal day at school. I woke up with a headache this morning but it was gone by noon. ASL class was pretty interesting, since each of us showed their family pictures and identified his or her family members. The class ended with another one of Crissy (instructor)'s funny deaf jokes. It was about King Kong kidnapping a deaf lady... well, unless the audience knows sign language it is impossible to get the joke (that's why they are called "deaf jokes"!).

English class, on the other hand, was really drawn out and long. We didn't seem to get much done. Priscilla and I secretly signed ASL with each other with words like "s-l-e-e-p-y" and "s-l-o-w". ASL is turning out to be pretty useful! I was shocked when one of the English students did not know what a pronoun is!

During Math class, we learned about probability. I'm sure the upper kids at KCIS have learned this already... it's pretty easy. Like "what are the chances that a rolling die (6-sided) will turn out to have the number 3 facing up?" We managed to finish the class almost 40 minutes before time!

Naomi had been planning to go to Costco tonight... however, Aunt Jean called in the afternoon saying that she wants to take us out to dinner before Naomi leaves on Friday this week. So we all went to a Thai restaurant called Chiang Mai, the same one Naomi and Priscilla had taken me to on my first day here in Hawaii. The food is really authentic.

We happened to order HOT curry instead of medium, (and it was really hot!) so we could not finish it! :( Our mouths ended up feeling like they were aflame.

Naomi eagerly attacks the Thai fried ice creams. Those flowers on the plates are edible... they actually don't taste bad at all. I found myself eating almost a whole flower.

I wonder how the waitress would have reacted if I had eaten up the flowers on display... after all they are of the same kind as the ones on the plate!

That's Priscilla in the back, showing Aunt Jean some ASL signs.

Thank you Aunt Jean for taking us out on this special night! :D


At 12:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cool, you can eat flowers? Yeah, that would have been funny if you had eaten the flowers.

Waitress: Where are the flowers?
You: Eh, what flowers?
Waitress: The ones that were on display.
You: Oh. Haha.
Waitress: Where are they?
You: I, uh, ate them. :)

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are becoming like Garfield ;-)
Garfield eats

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Maki said...

HAHAHA, very funny! :P


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