Thursday, October 20, 2005

The last midterm exam!

This morning, Naomi had her laser eye surgery... and it went well! Hurray for her! While she was having her surgery, Priscilla and I took our history midterm exam. We'd studied for hours for it the night before, so we were prepared for it. I had so much to write in my essay and I barely finished it in time! Thus did we complete our last midterm exam... I am so relieved!

When we came back for lunch, Naomi was home already, sleeping. So we had lunch by ourselves. Jenny (from KCC) had brought us some spam/sausage-musubi, which I thought was really interesting. So interesting, in fact, that I took a photo of it. :D

Hmmm... do they look appetizing?

We spent half of our art class today doing a critique of each others' paintings. Remember my teddy bear painting? Since most students did not know how to criticize very well, we ended up mostly with compliments, such as "I like the color of your teddy bear", etc. etc...
Since we only had one hour to paint our current painting and we didn't get very far, I didn't take a picture of it today.

For dinner, we brought home take-out Korean food at Kahala Mall. I ordered the so-called "Mini-pack", which was too big for me to finish. The food was all really good though!

I stayed hidden in my room the rest of the night while Naomi and Erin had their Bible study and Priscilla went to the worship practice at KCC.


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Hmmm... is that spam comment trying to say that I am depressed? LOL!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, Maki. You're depressed. O_O

lol, but that's nice that your history test is done and over with! (at least, your midterm one...hehe) And that sushi looks really interesting...I'm not sure I want to eat it though. :P

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Elle said...

That spam sushi thingy looks really good. I want to eat it. I ate it once and it was really good!

At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, I had spam onigiri for lunch today :-) I bought it at a convenience store in Tsuzuki-ku.


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