Wednesday, October 12, 2005

English Midterm Exam

I am ashamed to say that I almost missed the morning ASL class today (!!). The alarm rang at 7:00am as usual, but I could not wake up! Next thing I knew, Erin was knocking on the door, and it was past 7:40! (class starts at 8:00) Horrified, I got up immediately, changed clothes, and got ready in five minutes. We got there in time.. whew! That was close!

ASL class was pretty fun today because the teacher brought two deaf guys to help out. We sat around in a circle and asked them questions each in turn. One of the guys was from the mainland and the other was Erin's classmate, a Belgian.

We had our English midterm exam today. It was basically a simple essay we had to write about "living a solitary life". It was pretty easy, and I'm sure I didn't do too bad.

After a lunch break at home, we went to our math class. Again, we learned about very useful things like mortgage payments. I'm so glad we are allowed to use a calculator, or I would not know how to solve the problems!

After getting home, I spent the time quietly doing my homework, doing computer, and reading the history assignment book.

Wow... this watercolor was painted two years ago! If I were to paint the same thing today, it would probably be very different from this one. I don't paint in this straightforward way anymore.


At 2:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lol, that must have really been scary about the time! Well, glad you could make it in time. Great pic as usual, I think I remember seeing it before.


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