Another movie weekendThis morning, I stayed at home and cleaned up the house while Priscilla went to her tap dance class. I was also taught
how to use the washing machine (finally) from Erin. Oh yes, and I also finally got the CD I'd ordered a week ago on Tower Records, so that was nice! :D Yet another Anthony Warlow CD... yes, I'm still his fan.At around 1:30pm, Ericson came to pick Priscilla and me up
to go to Serenity. It was a science fiction film based on a TV series. The movie was pretty good, but dark and violent. Definitely not something for kids. I heard some poor kids crying at the theater... what a nightmarish experience it must be for them to watch films like that on the big screen!Ericson dropped us off directly after the movie, and Priscilla took a short nap since she was not feeling very well.
As for me, I didn't do much that's worth mentioning until dinnertime... I was also thinking the whole movie over, trying to make an assessment of it. Erin was away the entire evening, watching
Flightplan with Tina
. After having some spaghetti for dinner,

Naomi, Priscilla, and I watched
Ocean's 12. It was great to watch a fun, light kind of movie after
Serenity. Okay... since all these pictures are from movies and such, I'll put one random photo from Hawaii.

You know, I think these trees are really weird.. they look like giant fans. Not that I don't like them! ;)
lol, the trees look like fans?? Hehe, that's an amusing thought~!
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