Thursday, September 22, 2005

The wonderous "Red Ball" becomes inspiration...

Today's history class was better than Tuesday's... we moved on to the Indian Subcontinent and learned about the ancient Indus civilization, a civilization that didn't survive for some mysterious reason.

We drove home, ate lunch, then went back to campus a little early, maybe 20 minutes before class. I went to the bookstore to claim the canvas I had bought the day before. It's basically just a thick, coarse piece of cloth, but is really a great surface to paint on, once coated with white gesso.

During art class, some of us started on another red ball, this time a little more complicated and detailed than the one before. I happened to finish mine first. For some reason, my art teacher said "put it up over there so that it will be an inspiration to others.". Inspired by a red ball? That notion was a bit funny to me, but I did as he said anyway. :)

He also taught me how to make a canvas. There was more muscle-work then I'd expected, so by the end of class I was pretty tired. It take time to stretch out the canvas and staple it to the wooden frame. The teacher also had me help the other students make their canvases.

After coming home, I've been doing homework most of the time. There is a 3-to-5 page paper I have to write for English class by next week. The topic is something like "should rich nations help the poor?"... not an easy thing to write about!

Good night to everyone, and my sincerest thanks to all who have sent me an e-card today! :D


At 12:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's so nice that you were asked to put up your red ball as an inspiration. :P Just imagine, in the future, people would go "Aaaah~, I must draw red balls!"


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