Friday, September 16, 2005

A day spent researching and writing...

This morning we again went to the ASL class, but on the way back we stopped by at the post office to get my stuff from I have the package here now but I cannot open it because it's the birthday present from my parents.. still one week to go.. argh!

After coming home from ASL, I haven't gone anywhere outside the house (except maybe to check mail). I continued writing my report for the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is now almost finished. I worked on it for hours today! And it's not a very fun subject to write about.. it's hard to concentrate on it.

Sumerians seem to be a strange, superstitious lot.. look at some examples of their art (or what remains of their art)... creepy! These people believed in many gods, like the Greeks, and whenever something bad happened to them they thought that the gods were angry with them.

Erin and Priscilla went to meet one of Mrs. Stafford's students who is in Hawaii now. She brought us some things from our families in Japan. Nice! I got "ikameshi" from my parents.. that's squid stuffed with rice. :D Since my parents wanted me to take a photo of it, I did.

While eating dinner (pizza!) we watched The Sting, a gangster type movie of the 70's starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. It was cool and had a really neat, surprising ending! 8) No, of course I'm not telling how it ends.. it would ruin the movie! ;)

Tomorrow we might go watch a movie.. and I might get myself a chair for my desk, so hurray!


At 11:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

aaah, I want to watch "The Sting"! :D


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