Another eventful day!
Every school day here is pretty eventful for me right now. Of course there are the same classes to take every week, but we learn different things and do different kinds of homeworks for each classes, so it does not become tedious or boring (at least not yet).
For some reason, I had a hard time waking up this

For lunch, we had the hamburger from yesterday. They were still very good! After a short break, Naomi and Priscilla went to their ASL class, Erin to one of her graphic arts classes, and I to my painting class. We practiced some more with oil paint again. Nothing very challenging... only got folded colored papers and tried to paint them and their shadings as accurately as possible. I can't wait to get into the real stuff! :D
Walked home with Erin, finished my ASL homework, then started listening to the CDs that had only arrived from Amazon today! It's the 3 disc, complete recording of Les Miserables. It's also the only recording that has Anthony Warlow, my favorite performer. I've been looking for it for a long time now and was really glad to have finally gotten it!
In the evening, from 7:00pm, there was a Bible study at our house. There were two people aside from Naomi and Erin: Christie (the leader) and Jamie. I don't know if I was supposed to join it, but I did. I hope that they don't mind.. I mistakenly thought that I was supposed to be there (because it takes place at our house). Well, that was pretty fun, although Priscilla was gone at church with the worship team of KCC.
Yay, only one class tomorrow!! :D I'm thinking of practicing drawing with charcoal tomorrow. I hope that goes well.
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