Saturday, September 03, 2005

Chinese food and Brothers Grimm

Today we were all invited to lunch at a Chinese restaurant to celebrate the newly-wed couple, Kenny and Debbie. This was my second time to go to the restaurant, and the food was really good! We sat at the table with some other people, including Ericson, Dave, Joe and Mercy.

Here are some pictures, taken with Erin's camera. (I forgot mine)

We were really full after this big feast, but did not go home and rest. Instead, we went to a movie theater to watch The Brothers Grimm with Aunt Jean. The movie was... well, much spookier and more gruesome than we'd expected. Matt Damon was great in it, but the entire film had a darkish mood or atmosphere about it, and it was kinda like a fairy horror movie. All in all, it was a bit of a disappointment. I certainly can't recommend it to any kids.

Erm... this poster isn't in English, but never mind! It says the same thing.

Came home at around 5:00. I haven't done much since, aside from reading Les Miserables. In fact, I've been reading for hours now since we came back. Right now I'm feeling a bit depressed as I just finished reading the part where almost ALL my favorite characters get killed... I can't believe they killed that cute little boy Gavroche! :( Oh well..

Tomorrow we're having our own church service from 8:30, then are going to KCC at 10:30. :D


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