Sunday, August 28, 2005

There are two kinds of people - Greeks, and everyone else who wish they was Greek.

Okay the title above come from a quote from a movie we watched last week... that's just because we went to eat out at a Greek restaurant for lunch today! Well here's my day:

We quickly got ourselves prepared and went to the 8:30 service at KCC. Of the three services they have every week, I think that this 8:30 one is my favorite. There are some people I know (which aren't many) who are there, and there are older people.
There was one guy who was baptized during the service today, and that was nice to see. Thank goodness the sermons about Africa are over... the pastor talked about there being only one way to salvation: Jesus.

Went home and soon started our own service at 10:30. Priscilla and I played instruments, like we did last week. Naomi led the service today. She spoke about our love for Jesus, for His having chosen us.

After spending some time in indecision about where to eat lunch (during which Erin took a nice nap), we decided to go to a Greek restaurant. It was the first time for me to go there... all the food was delicious, and I enjoyed everything! Because the food is a bit hard to explain, I put a pic of it here. Mmmmmmmm... doesn't it look good? That's Erin's hand btw, not mine. ;)

Want some?

We were so full when we got home that most or all of us just sprawled on the bed and took a nap. I myself didn't really nap, but put on some music and relaxed on the bed. :D After 4:00, people started to get up and about again. Priscilla and Naomi watched some TV shows in the living room while I was "busy" reading a book.

Half of dinner was made up of leftovers from lunch, but it was still good! We watched another case of Poirot as we ate: Five Little Pigs. It was a really good case... now I feel like reading more Agatha Christie books!

School starts again tomorrow.. I pray that everything will go well!


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Whoo, very nice! Hope tomorrow goes well again for you...aaaah, two more days (not counting today) and it's...*dun dun dun* SCHOOL! But I'm actually excited.

At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm the Greek food looks sooooo good even though I've never eaten Greek food before...


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