Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Second 3-class day

On Mondays and Wednesdays, I attend three classes in all: ASL, English, and Math. Today was the second class for each of the three classes. Now that the introduction had been finished on the first day, we could get into the real studies.

I woke up at 7:00am, and of course tried not to awaken Priscilla while I got ready. This time, I ate breakfast (very important!) before going off to the ASL class. :) Although the ASL class is rather quiet because the teacher is a deaf person and she doesn't want us to talk much, the class itself was fun and easy-going.

Erin and I went home once after class. Naomi later drove us to our English class, which takes place in the same building as my earlierASL class. I think I'm going to enjoy this English class. We had a little discussion about an essay that we read. I was a bit surprised when the teacher came to me while handing out papers and asked me "You learned to write in Japan?". I said "Yes.". And then she told Priscilla and me that our writing is very good! Wow... she didn't say anything to the other students!

We walked home after class because Priscilla wanted to get the feel of walking home after a real class. This is the pic I took while we walked... you can see the downtown buildings in the background. By the time we got home, I was very hungry and ready for lunch!

Finished simple lunch, reviewed my math homework a little, then this time Erin drove us to the building where we have our math class. Mr. Astromoff, our math teacher, is seemingly strict (and is, in a way), but he is also nice and teaches math in such a good way that I understand it well and even enjoy it.

Because Erin and Priscilla still had classes after our math (and I can't drive the car home), I walked back home again. It was my 3rd time to walk home after school, and I find that I actually don't mind it at all, even though it takes about 20~25 minutes.

After getting home, I immediately and willingly did my math homework... it was actually fun and I didn't even look at the time while doing it. Priscilla came home from her ballet after 5:00, so I passed on the math textbook to her and decided to....

Draw! Since tomorrow is when my art class is starting, I wanted to do some warmup today. The art teacher had told us yesterday that we will be doing charcoal drawings tomorrow... and I was like "oh no, I've never even held charcoal sticks before!" So I did some practice today.. it is a bit embarrassing to put these up, but please remember that it's my very first time to use charcoal!

I figured that I should try drawing a human face first. I didn't know who I was going to draw when I started, and even now I still don't know who in the world this girl is. Try to ignore the fact that there's an Altoid candy case on her head... I drew the Altoid first, and didn't think the head would overlap with it.
As a finishing touch, I stamped my fingerprints all over the white space. Charcoal really gets my hands dirty... or maybe that's because I'm not used to it.

Second try: a dragon. I somehow like to draw dragons and all kinds of other animals, using images from inside my head. Hmm... needs more practice. I sincerely hope and pray that I will do OK tomorrow!!

Well, that's about all that happened today. I shall now go read a little then go off to bed.


At 12:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Niiiice pictures! Lol, that girl looks like a bonier version of you though! I'm sure you'll do well tomorrow. And wow about the comment you got on your writing! Sounds like college is fun~!

At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of both of you concerning the comments/praises from the teacher about your writing. Hip, hip, hooray !!!

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! It's so good that you got good teachers to teach you!


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