Second Hawaiian Sunday
This morning we woke up earlier than usual, at 6:45... or rather, we were awakened. We went together to a church I'd never been to before. We quickly got ready and left in our car. On the way, we bought breakfast at MacDonalds and ate in the car. First time for me to eat at Mac in Hawaii since I came. I couldn't finish all my Macegg-muffin, so I saved some for lunch.

As for the service itself, the worship team in front was pretty big and a woman was leading it. Somehow, it was a bit of a disappointment to me, maybe because I had expected it to be more... alive (?) and spirit-filled. However, the sermon that wa

On the way home I took some pics from inside the car. The church was on the windward side of the island of Oahu, the side which rains a lot and therefore is very green. It was beautiful!

We got back home at 10:15 and started our own service 15 minutes later. It was Naomi's turn to lead. She said later that it was difficult for her to speak in Japanese, but I thought her Japanese

Lunch consisted of leftovers (we had plenty of those in the fridge!) which were still delicious! :P After we had eaten, Priscilla spent the afternoon watching the TV show Law & Order. Meanwhile, I did some things on the computer, talked to my family, and read some more pages of Les Miserables. It's really a great book, and I finally finished over 1/10 of it... whew!! Definitely not an easy book to read though.
At around 4:00, Erin, Priscilla and I decided to watch a movie together and so we watched Dave. I really liked Kevin Kline in it.. he was great! The movie somewhat reminded me of the classic novel The Prisoner of Zenda.
After that movie was over, we felt like watching another one! So we started watching Pride & Prejudice while having dinner. It was a long movie separated into several episodes, so we didn't get to watch half of it. What we saw of it, however, was really fun to watch. Can't wait to see the rest!

Ah.. found a nice pic of the two main characters of P&P together!
Now I'm about to go rest my eyes a bit after staring at the TV screen for hours on end. At the bottom I'll stick the pic of my treasured item, the Swaovski crystal guitar which the church people gave me as a graduation gift. Thank you everyone who helped get this for me! It sits right next to Priscilla's piece right now.
So glad to hear that all of you could worship GOD together in your home. Did you play your new guitar? And how about the keyboard that you all bought?
May GOD bless and guide your church.
Great pictures! That crystal guitar is so cute. Glad you liked Pride and Prejudice! I like that movie, though it is a bit long. I love Mr. Darcy's character.
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