Saturday, August 13, 2005

Kahala Mall & Barbecue!

This morning, we were awakened by Erin at 7:45 because at 9:00, Priscilla was to play the drums at Joe's drum lesson at church. Because there was nothing planned for me that morning, Erin took me to the Kahala Mall to do some shopping. Yay!! :D I'm starting to really like that place... it is either my second or third favorite place in Hawaii. The first is, probably, my bed, which is so comfortable that I not only sleep on it, but read, write, and draw on it.

At the mall, I bought some things to send to my family in Japan. I bought some snacks, a book for my brother, and pretty silver earrings for my auntie which I got for a very good price (thanks Erin! :) . I just love Barnes & Nobles, and would have spent hours there if we hadn't had to go back home after picking Priscilla up at church.

Naomi, Priscilla and I watched the two last episodes of Remington Steele, partly because Pastor & Mrs. Stafford are still waiting for their turns to watch them in Japan. They were two good episodes.

Oh yes, and we washed our car, the gray Nissan Maxima. We had been talking of washing it these last few days, and finally got around to it! We rely heavily on this vihicle for transportation, so it was important that it be kept clean.

Can you see Priscilla behind the wheel?

After we had cleaned the car as much as we could and our grimy hands and feet had been washed, Priscilla and I watched the newest episode of Monk (4th season) that had been taped last night. It was a great episode in a great TV show.

For dinner, we were invited to Aunt Jean's friend's house along with Aunt Jean. Priscilla and Naomi had met those people already when they went to a wedding, but it was the first time for Erin and me. There were three girls in the family, two of which were present. All together there were more than ten people. We had barbecue and watched some TV. After some channel-flipping, we stayed on one channel which was playing Jurassic Park III. Oooh, scary!! (O.o) hehe! Too bad we didn't get to finish it beforew e went home!

That family owned a pet cat...

and some fish. The cat was pretty cute, but the fish... the catfish kept pestering the poor fat goldfish!

Tomorrow we'll go to another church that I've never been to before, then have our own service at home. One more week of vacation before school starts!!

Oh, and one more thing. I got a little package today, and it was from Ericson. At first I was like "What?", but when I opened it, there was a box with words and pictures written all over it, and within the box was a pretty silver bracelet of Ericson's own making! He had made it just for me, as a graduation gift. This is what it look like:

Thank you Ericson!!


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, that bracelet is so nice! I like how it all has stuff related to you, in a way. (BANANA! :P hehe.)

At 4:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooo.. I really like such charm bracelets! It is really VERY nice and unique.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bracelet is very nice! And of course, I'm glad that you cleaned the car. It seems that no matter how much I clean our car it gets dirty in no time...


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