Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To the beach again!

Today I felt as if I got a big load off my back.. why? Because my debit card arrived today at long last! :D The bank guy had said it would arrive on Friday or Saturday last week, but this is Hawaii, and I shouldn't be surprised that it didn't arrive until days later... Well anyway, I think my mother is very relieved now, and of course we know how important it is to keep a mother happy, right? ;)

Shortly before noon, all four of us went by car to the public swimming pool. However, when we reached there, we found out that it was closed at the time. So we said, "Why not go to the beach?" And to the beach we went!

I was the only one who didn't wear swimsuits, so I stayed at the beach and guarded the others' things like a faithful dog while the three of them floated among the waves. Hehe.. it was interesting to watch them! After a while, I started to grow hot, bored, and distracted. Guess what Maki does when she's bored?

help meee!!

Took this pic with closed eyes but it turned out rather nice.


We went home after the beach and had "mabo dofu" for lunch. We were all hungry after basking at the beach. When lunch was over, we watched another episode from Remington Steele... not one of the best episodes but fun to watch nonetheless. :)
Went back to my room, chatted/talked with my mother, wrote some mails, and read a book. At around 4:00 I became very sleepy and went into an "almost asleep but not quite" mode on the bed for maybe 15 min.

Oh, and another good news: The MATH100 teacher I had mailed the day before replied and said I can join his class, the one Priscilla is attending. So I get to take Math class with her! Hurray!!

We decided to go to a Wednesday church service at this New Hope Christian Fellowship place that started from 7:00pm. It was pretty big: the building was big, and there were a few hundred people. Here's what it looked like. Big projector!

The worship was very.. energetic, and in a way it was spirit-filled. However there was some human, emotional kind of thing in it too. I was surpised, though, when they had a little time for prophecy.
The guy who preached spoke a bit long, and told about 10 stories and did not open a single bible verse. Hmmm... that was weird. But all in all, I was glad I could go there and worship.

On the way back, we stopped by at Blockbusteres. We took a long time browsing through all the rental DVDs, but Priscilla in the end borrowed one or two DVDs (I think).

I got some tan today from being out on the beach. Hopefully it won't sting when I take a shower tonight!


At 12:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lol, I love the sunglasses pic! Well, I usually love pics in blogs. But nice pic of the cloud. I love tans, just not hurting ones.

At 1:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh, I love your pictures :D Sounds like you had a fun day, glad to read that your getting to experience so many different things.

At 2:30 AM, Blogger Elle said...

The picture you took are very interesting. The picture of your feet is funny :D

At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that sunglass face's really freaky but at the same time really funny too lol ^^

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too, I love your pics :-)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger DirectorExtraordinary said...

Ahhh, so that was what you were doing while you were on the beach... :P Funny pics!!

At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures you took. I'll send some pictures as soon as possible.


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