Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Survived the International Orientation!!!

Today I accomplished, or finished, several things... It was a fulfilling day for me. :)

I woke up a little earlier than Priscilla this morning (a little past 8:00). After a light breakfast, I phoned the medical center where I had had my chest X-ray taken, and it turned out that they already had the result (so much for "it won't be ready until Thursday"!). That was good news!

Naomi then took me to HIC (Honda International Center), where the International Orientation was being held from 10:00. As it turned out, there were about 15 people, including me, in the room (2 koreans, the rest Japanese). It felt rather strange to talk to someone in Japanese again. I talked to one lady who came from Yokohama and another girl a year older than myself who spoke Japanese that sounded like another language (Kobe dialect).

The people were okay.. it was just the whole session went so slow, and it was torture for me to watch the clock needle crawl on minute by minute while the councelor talked on and on and on and on.... After about 1 hour 40min, they stopped talking. This guy with a gray cap who, according to Naomi and Erin, is new, took us on a campus tour. But as this guy was still new, he didn't seem to know much about the campus...
An example: "Um.... this building is called "Koa"... here.. *gets stuck on words* is where the art class is. Well.. I don't spend time here so I have no idea about this room.. Okay this way please."

I breathed a sigh of relief when the tour was finally over! Priscilla had bought her books for her classes while I was going through the slow, agonizing minutes of orientation.
Since Priscilla seemed to have a craving for junk food, we got some burger at Jack in the Box and ate in the car on the way to the medical center. There I picked up my TB clearance certificate.

So I went back, copied the documents necessary for registering, then handed them out at HIC. Unfortunately, they won't have me ready to be registered until tomorrow or Thursday. Too bad...

Got back home, had a delicious dinner which was again cooked by Naomi, then watched one episode of Remington Steele with Priscilla and Naomi. While I wrote this blog I chatted/talked with Takuma a little... seems like you're doing pretty good back at home! :D

Sorry no pics of today.. instead I'll put up some random paintings of mine.

<< Some mill in Scotland.

<< MMMMMmmmmmm... :P

Here you will find my Tolkien-related art (includes that dragon drawing):


At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oo your paintings are so good!! ^^

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Exactly...they are! I love your LOTR related ones. Lol, sounds like the orientation was a drag, but at least you got some information! :P Well, that's nice about your X-ray. Heee~, I didn't know that there were so many Japanese students at the college.

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...you actually finished it! Well, of course, if you don't things can get real ugly in no time.

"Don't let the wine go to your brains!!"

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Heehee... I love that line. ;)


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