Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Holds are gone!! :D

Today I did not wake up until about 8:30. We usually each eat our breakfast as we like, so I fixed some food and ate mostly by myself. It's great to be able to eat mango every day! :P

From 10:00am, I attended the General Orientation Session at KCC. I'd attended the International Orientation two days ago, but this one was different and for all new students to attend. It was interesting but looooooooooooooooooong, like the International one. The teachers talked for a while about what it's like to be in a college. After 1 1/2 hours, the students separated into majors (I went with the Liberal Arts group) and listened to our counselor for another hour. When it was over, it was past 3:30.

I joined Erin in front of the Iliahi building.. the place looks like this. This building has the Honda International Center. We went in there and asked why my holds* had not yet been lifted.

** Hold: something that hinders you from registering at college. For example, tuberculosis clearance, valid ID, health insurance, etc, etc.

The guy we asked this to said "What? I haven't seen no papers." And about three people started looking for the papers I'd handed in two days before. They finally found it, and by using that information, cleared the nasty holds. Now I can finally register!!

Got back home, and immediately started looking for classes to register into online. Unfortunately, that proved to be more difficult than expected, so I couldn't finish everything. Well, I'd spent quite some time with the college stuff already today and so decided to continue with it tomorrow.

At around 5:50, Priscilla left to go to the tap class. She came back later than expected... because she was accepted into advanced class, not just intermediate!! *clap clap clap* Congratulations to her! :D

Dinner was cooked by Erin, and it was delicious! She cooked some kind of tomato chicken stew and some potato salad.

From 8:00 we started our very first prayer meeting, just like we had decided the other day. We started out by singing a couple of songs, then each took our turn praying. I admit I was a bit uncertain about what to do, but it turned out that the Spirit told each of us what to do during the time. We prayed for our new church and for our new life together.

After that, we all talked to Mrs. Stafford, Manami-san, Ai, Yukiko, and some others on MSN audio. It was fun, and they were laughing a lot! I myself talked to my brother... it may seem strange, but I really enjoy talking to him on Skype. I can tell Takuma's getting better at phone-talking. :)

Okay, now I'm looking through this blog again, and the pictures above look rather boring. So I took this pic (I would've scanned it on Naomi's computer if I had the time) with my camera now. I miss my birdie!


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

AWWWW, the pictures of the birdies are very cute!

At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The birds are so...adorable!!! CUTE!!!! ^^ Well glad that your holds were lifted ^^

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Elle said...

Cute picture~!!!

At 4:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the 4 of you are worshipping GOD and even having prayer meeting together. For JESUS said, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Mat 18:20
Oh, I also love the pics of the birds :-)

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! Good thing your holds were lifted. Yeah, and the birds...well, I've seen them before, but cracks me up every time I see them.


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