Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Second day...

So came the second day of school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have only two classes: history and art (painting). I woke up before 9:00 this morning. Priscilla and Naomi were already awake and watching TV by then. I had a quick breakfast and wrote some mails before Naomi drove us to the history class that started at 10:45.

The history class was fun! :) The teacher was a big, Irish guy and was a very fun and good at keeping the students' attention on him. I'm going to enjoy his class! He's one of the more lenient teachers, I think, but gives more responsibility to the students.

After his class, Naomi drove us home once to eat lunch. Then she took me (just me) to campus again because I needed to go to the Math teacher's office and ask (or beg) for his signature. The guy was nice and gave me what I needed, then said that he is hoping I will do well with Math because Japanese students generally do well in it! Oh no...

I still had about 45 min before my next class, so I just hanged around on the campus, looked over my math sheet, and looked ta art supplies at the book store. When it was time, I went to the building called Koa, where the art classes take place.

The art teacher was the same guy who used to teach Erin... a short and amiable kind of Japanese local (?) guy called Sunabe. The art class is 2 1/2 hours long, but since today was the first day, he just explained about the class and the various supplies we need to buy (art supplies are expensive!). He also showed us a slide show of his oil paintings... and wow! Of course he should be good because he's a teacher, but still, WOW! I hope to be able to paint like that some day!
There were some weirdos with long hair in the class... oh well, artsy people are generally weird... I wonder if I count as one of them? :(

By now I had the signatures of three teachers: Math, English, and Art. I went to the office building and finally got enrolled into the classes and payed the tuition!! HURRAY!!! Now there's only one class (history) left to enroll in!

Went home and finished my ASL homework before dinner. Since then I haven't done much, aside from doing the computer and teaching Erin a couple guitar chords.

Oh yes! Erin gave me all her art supplies which she had gotten for her class before, now that she doesn't use them anymore. Thank you Erin for helping me avoid spending lots of money for the art stuff! :D I'm hoping I'll be able to paint a little at home too.

Sorry.. no pics today. *sniff* I should take some pics of the campus.. it feels rather crowded now that the semester has started.


At 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so nice to have Naomi, bringing you around and preparing delicious food. Naomi is like a 'mother.' I want to stay with Naomi too! lol. ;-)
Also it is so nice of Erin to give you her art things !!!
You are so fortunate to have such nice 'sisters.'

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

yay for your classes! Hope you do well in them and have fun, as well. Lol...Japanese students do well in math? *scuttles away and sulks* :P No, but that's...interesting. Good luck again tomorrow!

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Maki said...

Well I don't know if we count, Maria, as one of those students, because the guy said that "Japan has a better system of education in mathematics" ;)

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol! hehe.


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