Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What to say~ What to do~ ♪♪

Today, I didn't have much to do... in fact, I stepped out of the house only once: when I went to get the mail from the box. So it was a rather lazy day, doing computer, reading, drawing, eating, watching movie, etc etc.
Naomi and Erin left in the morning.. Erin to her intern place and Naomi to babysit. That left Priscilla and me free to roam in the house (not that we moved around that much).

From 10:00 to 1:00, I taped Star Trek: The Next Generation for my brother. They do three episodes each day.. commercials over here are sooooo long and annoying (and sometimes weird). I'll be sending that to him when the tape is full... so have patience, Takuma!

Priscilla and I had lunch which consisted of leftovers. To say the truth, all three meals of the day were made from leftovers. We still ate well, though.

While eating, we watched an episode of the TV show MacGyver. I normally don't like watching TV while eating, but good TV shows are exceptions.

In the afternoon, Priscilla and I drew pictures on paper using glow-ink pens. I think a pic of it can be seen on Priscilla's blog. We're going to stick them up onto the ceiling so they'll glow with an eerie light in the pitch-black darkness of the night... muwahahahahaaaa!! *cough* sorry got carried away a little.

The afternoon was spent.. like this.>> That doesn't mean I didn't do anything worthwhile though.

Had a kinda early dinner with Priscilla and watched the TV show Law and Order while we ate.

When Erin came home from her intern place, we continued watching Pride & Prejudice from where we'd stopped last time. No, we didn't finish it, but yes, the story is getting more and more interesting! :D

Oh, and check out some video clips from the Disney movie Valiant which will be released soon (over here)! Looks like it's going to be a fun movie!


At 2:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, I love lazy days. :P Aah, glad to see Pride and Prejudice is getting better. There's a guy in there who looks like Hugh Jackman. :P

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lazy lazy lazy afternoons...try checking Yahoo Japan's entertainment news page. You'll find an article about a guy who watched Star Wars 400 times and acted it out all by himself.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Yes Mother gave me the link and I watched it.. strange things become popular these days! lol

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that's weird...

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

400 times? *blink blink*


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