Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Little Walk Under the Sun

I woke up extremely late this morning... again! Maybe I'll have to set an alarm clock in the future. In the morning I taped more Star Trek episodes for Takuma, and even watched one of them. It was rather creepy!

After lunch, Priscilla and I walked to Kapi'olani Community College to see how long it takes to get there when we cannot go there by car. Walking to and from that place each took about 25min average. Under the baking sun it was really hot, but we were armed with bottles of water. :)

A beautiful tree I saw on the way. I like these trees!

The flower reaches out to grab Priscilla's pamphlet!

By the time we got home, we were very hot, so we sat down in our room and watched a movie called The Watcher in the Woods. It was a kind of horror movie.. twas interesting, but I wouldn't recommend everyone watch it.

At night, we had our second prayer meeting... we prayed about many things, including my registration at KCC, which isn't going so smoothly. At the moment I've yet to hear from some of the teachers if I'll be able to get into his/her class or not. I ask you to be praying about it.

Okay that's about it for today..
To everyone in Japan.. have a nice weekend


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Whoo, VERY nice pictures. Wow, all the pics from Hawaii are just so...bright. ^_^ I like the flower. :P Hope you're able to get into those classes.

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we'll be praying for you.
I really like the pic of the flower reaching out to Priscilla. I think it wants her water rather than her pamphlet. lol

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Maki. I'll be WAITING! 24601!!

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Very funny!!


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