Friday, August 19, 2005

To the North Shore!!

Today was a holiday in Hawaii.. the day Hawaii became a state of America. Erin did not go to her intern workplace today, so we all had a day off. We had decided to go to the North Shore the other day, so after all the household chore had been done and we had taken a short trip to the drugstore, we were ready for our trip!! :D
Priscilla was the driver. Because the North Shore is pretty far away on the island, we got a little lost along the way... it took a little over an hour to get to our destination, I think. We stopped by to grab some lunch (sandwiches) before finally reaching the park in Waimea Valley. It was a beautiful place, and of course I took tons of pics!
At the place where we had our lunch, there were many types of birds walking all over the place, waiting for crumbs. There were peacocks, chickens, doves, etc. I made the mistake of feeding the little dove. Unfortunately, the greedy peacocks saw that and immediately hopped onto our table to snatch our food (they didn't succeed, however).
Here's the predator... and its prey (my lunch!)
When lunch was over, we walked through the beautiful valley to the Waihi waterfall. Here follows the pictures:
Oooh pretty!!

No, this is not the Waihi Fall. ;)
Erin: "Welcome to my humble dwelling!"
And finally, the real Waihi Fall!! *clap clap* It would have looked prettier without all the people swimming in the water.
There are actually many more pics, but I'll put them all up together another time. Anyway, after we had seen everything, we went to the beach! The beaches on the North Shore are pretty different from the touristy ones down south. It is cleaner, less crowded, and more relaxing. Erin, Priscilla and I swam (or floated) among the waves for a while, then relaxed in the shades.
We got up and finally left the beach at around 4:00. We were hot, dry, and tired, so we went to a place called Matsumoto Grocery Store to get some shave ice. Mmm!! They were huge, not to mention colorful!!
Went home and immediately took shower, but did not get much time to relax as we all went to the Friday evening service at KCC. Pastor Ron talked again about "feeding the multitudes in Africa". It was actually more like a projector presentation that a sermon, but it provided some food for thought and study at home.
We were all tired, so we didn't go out to eat dinner with church friends.. instead we bought food at Taco Bell and ate at home while watching a movie called Sneakers, with Robert Redford, etc. Look at Priscilla blog for more detail. ;)
Okay I'm off to bed now.. I really want to put more pics up, like I said above, but that will have to be another time.. I like this blog, but it just takes too much time to upload pics!


At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that shaved ice is just huge, compared to the ones in Japan! Oh and your pictures are so nice, wish I could go there! :D

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oooo, me likey shaved ice. Lol, the peacock incident sounds funny. :P


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