Wednesday, September 07, 2005

ASL, English, Math...

Since this Monday had been a holiday with no classes, I kept confusing today with Monday (Wednesday's class schedule is very similar to Monday's). Those are the two days on which I have three classes mentioned above.

Today, I woke up at 7:00am without an alarm! :D Yay! However, I still woke Priscilla up (of course she fell asleep again later). I blame it on that creaky door of our room that makes noise every time it's opened or closed.

At the ASL class, we learned quite a few new words, such as "math", "chemistry", "history", etc., etc. One of the students, a middle-aged (?) lady, can never get anything that is going on. I had a hard time keeping a straight face while looking at her.

After a short break at home, Priscilla and I went to our English class. I was somewhat nervous since this was the day the first paper's rough draft was due. I wrote about my personal experience last year when I went through the biopsy. That had taken a long time to write, especially since it's not the kind of subject I'm used to writing about. Well, during the class, the students checked each others' drafts. The final draft is due next Monday.

Went home, had lunch, then soon left for Math class. The math instructor, Mr. Astromoff, is good at explaining and clarifying things, so this class was easy. I like the way he teaches.

I walked home by myself while listening to some music on my MP3 player. I think I'm getting used to walking now, because it takes slightly less time to get home than it used to.
At home, I immediately got into the math homework... it was easy and took less than an hour.

In the evening, I helped Naomi cook hamburger for dinner. They turned our really good! :D There were only three of us who ate together because Erin was away.

The three of us decided to go for a short walk to Blockbusters to borrow some DVDs. Honolulu in the evening was really beautiful. Take a look!

Downtown buildings as seen from the street in front of our house.

Okay I did not mean for it to turn out this way! It's basically the same as the picture above, except the sky was completely dark and all the lights were on.

der tod



At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol I like that last picture!!

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Elle said...

The last picture is interesting. The top picture looks really pwetty~.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

cool pics! :D


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