Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to reality...

Yes, so school started again. Not that I mind... college life is still fun for me (I hope it lasts!). I've a feeling we're going to get a lot busier after this first semester is over.

Well, since this was Tuesday, Priscilla and I went to our history class. There was a quiz to take that day... at first I thought "Oh no!" but then I looked at it, and there were only 5 questions, all of them pretty easy. We learned more about Mesopotamian civilizations and watched a short video about ancient, now abandoned cities. Next class we will be learning about Egypt.

We walked home since Naomi was gone with the car, and had some lunch. Before long, it was time to go to class again! This time it was art class for me. We didn't do much.. simply played around a bit with various colors of oil paint, mixing them into icky muddy colors, thinning or spreading them out, etc. Taking care of oil painting equipments is not an easy task, since the paint is not water-soluble!

Walked home with Erin after class and discovered that Naomi and Priscilla had gone to buy stuff on sales at Gap. Of course, it wouldn't be like them to miss anything like that!

There had been a package for me today, but since no one was there to pick it up, the delivery person left me a notice. In the evening, Erin and I went to pick it up. It was the package from my grandmother and aunt! A big box stuffed with various food!! :D Now I can have good snacks for many days to come!

Oh, and it was me and Priscilla's turn to cook dinner again.. however I was gone for some time, getting the package from the post office, so basically Priscilla and Naomi did most of the cooking. Oh well, next week I will be sure to cook!

Since I took no pictures today, I will post one of my favorite artworks of Kiyoshi Yamashita, a Japanese artist. This is not a painting; it's made of many pieces of papers put together. Notice all the tiny little pieces that make the heads of the people watching the fireworks! This must've taken a lot of time and effort! I saw this one at a museum in Japan once, and it was an amazing piece of art!


At 1:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Kiyoshi Yamashita too!

At 3:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The artwork you put up by him is really nice...yeah, it must have taken TIME! I probably would lose patience in half an hour or something. :P Lol, hurray for snacks!

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Tsubasa Kato said...

Wow I like that fireworks paper cutout too.


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