Sundays come with a nap
Naomi came to wake us up at 7:30am to start our church service from 8:30. Today was Naomi's turn to lead. We didn't play any musical instruments during worship today, and I myself found it nice to sing once in a while without playing a guitar. :) Naomi talked about "Daughters and Bridemaids of Christ", and spoke about what we should do as daughters of God.
Then we went to the 10:30 service at Kaimuki Christian Church. Pastor Ron preached about the Muslim religion and compared it to Christianity. I learned some interesting things about the religion that I hadn't known before.
After the service was over, we went over to a local diner's place to eat lunch. I had some loco moco (I think I've posted a pic of it somewhere before). The hamburger on the rice was HUGE, but somehow I managed to finish it. By the time lunch was over, I was so full and content I could hardly stay awake. And of course that called for...
A NAP!! :D After coming home, we just went to our beds and fell asleep! Hm, I didn't really sleep, but I still call it a "nap".
In the evening, we all watched Sahara while eating

Back in our room, we are now voice-chatting with Maria (has been going on for maybe half an hour now). It's fun to be able to keep in touch with Japan like that. I love hearing about all that goes on at KCIS!! Hehe!
Lol, you always DO sleep on Sundays! Somehow I can't. :P Well, nice 'talking' to you too. Wanna watch Sahara again!
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