Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Raindrops keep falling on my head~~♪♪

Yes, it was a bit rainy today.. but not like the way it rains in Japan. Raindrops in Hawaii are pretty big, and they go off and on like crazy. It usually is rainy and sunny at the same time. We got to see some really beautiful rainbows today! Too bad I forgot the camera...

Unfortunately for me, I had a nasty headache again for most of the day, so I was slightly in a daze during all the classes.

Anyway, this was a wake-up-at-seven-in-the-morning day again... for ASL class. This time, miraculously, the alarm clock actually worked, much to Priscilla's dismay. During ASL class we learned how to give directions in sign language... for example, "The English classroom is beyond the Math classroom."

Got home, finished up the English homework before going to its class a bit early. We waited in front of the building with a few of our classmates including Nichelle and Eric.

We finished English class at 12:00 and walked home most of the way, but Erin picked us up by car just before we arrived home. We each made our own lunch, then headed off to Iliahi, the building where we take out math class.

Math is still pretty enjoyable, and I enjoy sitting at the very front.. right in front of Mr. Astromoff. Not only can I see the numbers on the boards better, but the teacher is also fun to watch.

I walked home by myself after class, finished my math homework, then spent some time relaxing and trying to get rid of the headache.

Naomi cooked delicious dinner for us.. something like "soboro gohan" made with beef and egg, then there was spinach soup. After dinner, we watched Poirot's Death on the Nile. It was a really good case!

Tomorrow I'll have to start preparing for the 4-page paper of The Epic of Gilgamesh. I pray that it will go well!


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ooooh, good luck on your essay, sounds depressing/boring. :P


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