Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rainy season...

Yup, it's still raining on and off outside, and will probably be that way for some time during this season. It's growing a little cooler recently, but I don't feel much change because.. well, I'm probably not so used to this climate yet. It still feels very hot to me!

Today we took our second history quiz. It wasn't that big a deal... only five questions, three of them multiple choice. The teacher spent about almost the entire class talking about the O-so-great Epic of Gilgamesh. Although I really enjoy the history, I don't feel very comfortable when he bashes the Bible, saying that he's open-minded!

For the first time, Priscilla and I stayed with Nichelle and had lunch together with her. We bought sandwiches at Subway and ate in front of the cafeteria. Nichelle is a fun and easy to be with, an we had a good time together.

Priscilla walked home after lunch, and I still had about one hour before my art class. So what did I do? I went to the library to do some research on the background of the Epic of Gilgamesh. I ended up borrowing one book on the Sumerian civilization.. I'm hoping it will be of some help when I write my paper.

During art class, we finished our green cube paintings. I got to take a photo of my two paintings together. The one on the left is not completely done yet. The difference between the two paintings is this: the left one has the brown, monochromatic (one-colored) underpainting beneath the color while the right one is simply the paint colors directly applied to white canvas. Which do you like better? These earned another compliment from the teacher... me is happy! :D He's a very nice and easy-going guy.

Got home and helped Priscilla build her newly bought desk with Naomi. It's a really nice desk... you can see plenty of its photos on Priscilla's blog. We finished shortly before 7:00, just in time before the Bible study with Christi began. I decided not to join that class.. for reasons. Priscilla and I did our homework while eating dinner in our rooms.

I've just finished my ASL homework. Yippee!! Tomorrow is the one-class day! Then I'll go home and write my Gilgamesh report... *groans*


At 3:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm I like both green cubes but I think I prefer the one on the right better. ^^ Japan's weather's slooowly getting colder...

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too, I prefer the one on the right. The cube shows out better because of the contrast in the background and it is of a darker color.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, good luck on your report!


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