Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Guess who can drive now! :D

Well, there's not much to tell about morning today. During history class, we only had about 15 minutes of actual history-studying because the instructor kept talking about today's news and important issues such as the causes of the rising gas prices in the States right now... almost for an hour! We learned about the Assyrians... they were a conquering, cruel civilization. Eeewwww..

Priscilla left for her driving test right after class, so I stayed at home by myself for about an hour before walking off to art class with Erin. In a mishap while making lunch (instant ramen), I managed to scald my fingers... ouch.

Here's what we did during art class. I finished my second green cube and also completed a red ball. I was a bit surprised when the instructor, Mr. Sunabe, told me that I am an impressionist painter.. I take that as a compliment because I like impressionistic paintings! :)

A close-up on the ball.

On Thursday, we're going to learn how to make a canvas... so I'm looking forward to that!

Oh yes, big news.. Priscilla got her license today!! Of course you can read more about it in her blog... to celebrate, we went to have dessert at Chili's. Wow the cakes were HUGE! Congratulations Priscilla! I hope she's a safe driver because I'm going to ride while she drives! (O.o)

Another big thing, this time for me... I got a package from my parents, and it had all kinds of goodies in it! :) I especially love the three little glass birdies!

There's no space left in the already full kitchen for all this stuff!


At 12:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Awww, those are very cute little birdies. :D And of course, your paintings are great as usual...wow, impressionist painter? That sounds so...professional! :D

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! The red ball looks delicious! (don't ask....that's what mother said) And I'm really glad you liked the birdies! I'll try sending you the birdbrain pictures as soon as possible.

At 4:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see the great artist budding.;-) I'd better commission you to paint something for me before you become famous. lol.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Maki said...

*blush* thanks for the compliments! The instructor probably called me an impressionist because of the many colors I use (like in the background of the green cube).

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is great to read. Do all of your roommates have blogs too?


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