Yay for the big letter "A"!
I didn't sleep so well last night, but for some reason I was mostly alert all day! That was good, because we had the 2nd ASL quiz today. Another easy quiz, this time about informing in ASL where to find each classroom from the hallway.
Next came the English class. I got my essay back, and much to my relief it was an "A"! I am so relieved, although the instructor said that she was a bit lenient grading the first essays. We also got the results of our quiz.. Out of around 17 students, 10 got an "A" (including Priscilla and me), 1 got a "B".... and 3 got an "F"! I found that strange, since most are people to whom English is their first language! What's more, it was an easy quiz.. all we had to do was fix sentence fragments! I felt really thankful to Mrs. Ean and other teachers who taught me English.. particularly for written English!
After English class was over, we went to the bloodmobile that came on campus

At math class, Mr. Astromoff showed off (?) the bandage he had on his arm, to show us that he donated blood that day. I think he must be a regular there since he donates every time the blood bank comes. Math continues to be fun and amusing.. here are a couple examples of the logic problems we had to solve today:
All frogs are poetical
Kermit is a frog
Therefore, Kermit is poetical
Some birds bite
All things that bite are dangerous
Therefore, some birds are dangerous
It may sound funny, but I'm not joking... this is what we're doing right now. :) You see why it can be fun, right?
Anyway, after walking home by myself, I finished up some homework. There was no one else at home. At around 5:00pm everyone came back, then left again, Priscilla to babysit, Naomi to practice Hula, and Erin to her night class. I spent some nice, quiet time alone and fixed some dinner for myself while watching the Emmy awards. Some actresses wore an icky dress!
That's about it today.. no pics again today! Here's something crazy: a pic of one of those Hummer Limousines that we saw the other day on highway. I was shocked because I didn't know such a vihicle existed! (O.o) I shall NEVER drive anything like this!

First, here's a normal Hummer.

Iiinteresting car/flat bus. :P That's really nice that you got an A!
Thank you Maki for giving me the compliment about teaching you English. It is such an encouragement to me to teach the present batch of students and those to come.
In the first year of college/university, logical thinking is usually taught. It is really a good way to prepare students to think logically for the courses ahead. Through this process, you become more logical/matured? in the way you think.
I remember my best subject in the first year of university was logical thinking. ;-)
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