More papers to write..
This week seems to pass by slowly... probably because I am looking forward to my birthday too much! :D Today was an average day so I'll keep this post short.
Nothing to tell about ASL class... the instructor told us a deaf joke, which was actually pretty funny as she acted out three parts of a story by herself. Deaf people make great actors and actresses!
Then, for English class, Priscilla drove for the first time without Naomi or Erin in the car, now that she has her license. She drove while I sat next to her. During the English class we discussed about the harmful effects that painkillers can have... oh, and we learned that the guy called Eric in our class was in the navy in Iraq. There is also another paper due next week, so I'll have to start on it soon.
We drove back home, had quasadia for lunch, then went to our math class, where we studied for the upcoming test next week. Uh-oh... I hope it'll go okay.
Came back home and finished up my Epic of Gilgamesh.. I have this nagging feeling I'm going to get a B or something though. It wasn't an easy thing to write about.

I'll go to bed earlier than usual today, so good night to all!
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Lol I like the rats in The Muppets Take Manhattan
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