Friday, September 23, 2005

I must say that this birthday was one of the best I've ever had in my life! Of course there was the ASL class in the morning, but I enjoy the class and so did not mind studying a little on my birthday! :)

When Erin and I came home from class, a surprise was waiting for me: a huge wrapped box was in the room, balloons everywhere on the floor, and a big breakfast on the table! The others bid me open the big box first, and guess what it was! It was totally unexpected... an artist's studio set, complete with easel, canvas, paint and paintbrushes!

Aah.. I feel like an artist!

At around 11:00am, after I had played around with my new "toy" for a while and we had finished our breakfast, we went to Kahala Mall because Naomi went to get a haircut. Priscilla and I wandered around at Barnes & Noble and Tower Records for over an hour, waiting for Naomi to finish. It was lots of fun, but shopping and strolling for a long time can tire the legs!

Went home and watched the DVD Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert which my parents had given me while Priscilla went to her ballet class. I basically just relaxed and had a nice time until around 7:00pm, when we went out to a special place for dinner! Aunt Jean also came for dinner.

The place was an authentic Korean restaurant called Sou-something... aargh forgot the name! Anyway, there was a grill thing at the center of the table on which we cooked the meat. We ordered beef tongue and some interesting cold noodle with fish and vegetables in it.
All the food was excellent, and the Koreans who work there were pretty nice, too.
Aunt Jean gave me a beeeautiful gold chain necklace which I just fell in love with!

One humorous incident at the restaurant: When we had sung "Happy Birthday" and had cut the cake, the waitress suddenly brought us a plate of delicious Korean nori and told us that the two men from the table on the other side had ordered it for us, wishing me a happy birthday. How nice of them!
So I went to the men with two pieces of the cake which I offered to them in thanks. They asked me how old I was turning, and when I answered, one of them said "You are beautiful.". Hahahahaha!!!

Anyway, here follows the photos:
Yum yum!

Me, sandwiched between the sisters.

Happy birthday to meeeeee~!

Priscilla using her POWER to cut the rock-hard cake. heehee!

Erin happily eating the Korean nori.

Thank you Aunt Jean for the necklace!

Well, lots more happened but I can't list every nice thing that happened today. I would like to thank Naomi, Erin and Priscilla for making this day making this day so wonderful and worth remembering.


At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like you had a really really fun birthday...and I love your birthday present!! ^^ And also it was nice for the two guys to get Korean nori for you all

At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that you are very beautiful, not just physically but spiritually as well!
May you continue to be so.
With Love in JESUS,

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That is such a cool present! Though I knew from before, muhua. :P ^_^ Must have also been a great surprise for you and that two guy incident must have been funny! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!


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