A relaxing schoolday
If there can be such a thing as a relaxing schoolday, today is one. ASL class in the morning was fun, the English class was too easy... almost boring (we're learning about where to put quotation marks!). I am surprised at how some students don't know these basic English skills.
During math class we are learning things that will probably come in useful someday, such as add-on debt and interest rates. I need to get a scientific calculator for the upcoming test!
There was no homework at all after I got home. Yay!! Well, I wasn't going to waste the entire evening away... I took out the novel Siddhartha which we have to read for History class. The story is about Siddhartha Gautama, the guy who invented Buddhism. I only finished Part 1... and all I can say is that so far it's all about meditation, self-denial, pilgrimage, and achieving Nirvana......
We all ate taco salad with the chicken Naomi had prepared for us. After dinner,

Tomorrow we might get our History paper on the Epic of Gilgamesh back! *heart pounding*
Random pic of the day: it's a bit dark, but this is the beautiful cactus garden at KCC campus.

That last pic's really beautiful. Hehe, I love Cary Grant!
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