Friday, October 21, 2005

At last, the Californian Pizza Kitchen!

At our morning ASL class today, we learned to ask each other what kinds of pets we own. It was simple for me because I have two birds and that's it, but one girl had 15 lovebirds, 5 or more dogs, a countless number of fish, a rat, and a Jackson chameleon (maybe she had cats too)! So it was an interesting class.

Soon after Erin and I had returned, all of us left the house. Erin was dropped off at her intern place, and the three of us went to Borders bookstore to spend some time looking at stuff. Later in the morning, Naomi had her newly lasered eyes checked at the surgery place while Priscilla and I waited. When that was over, we picked up lunch at McDonalds and drove home.

In the afternoon, I stayed at home and read a book while Priscilla went to her ballet class. Friday is so nice and relaxing.

In the evening, Naomi, Priscilla, and I went to the KCC evening service... it was Priscilla's turn to play the drums during worship again. This photo is a bit blurry, but there she is, behind the drumset!

Also, today was Naomi's Hula performance day; She danced with the same song as the one she did for our graduation day, but with three other people. It was really great... when more than one person dance together well, it looks truly beautiful in a different way!

Oh yes, one more important event: two of the Japanese girls from the Transpacific college were water-baptized today!! We were so happy that they made the decision.

The sermon was told by Jay Jarman, who preached about Scientology in his own entertaining way (for those who don't know, Scientology is the religion Tom Cruise is in). The Scientology belief is very science fiction-ish... after all, the person who made it was a science fiction writer.

After dinner, I went out to dinner with Naomi, Erin, and Tiffany. It was a small group, but I was happy because I finally got to eat at Californian Pizza Kitchen! We'd tried to eat there three or four times, and it had always been too crowded. The pizza was pretty good, and so was the salad.

Well, now I'm home and it's past 11:00pm. I'd better quickly go take a shower and go to bed! Tomorrow I will be helping Ericson out with the preparation for KCC's Halloween Pumpkin Party.


At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! 15 lovebirds?!! That's America for sure :-) In Japan, having 2 or 3 birds is already a crowd ;-)Does she name all her birds?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Maki said...

I doubt it... the birds probably multiplied on their own! lol

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, that's a lot of birds...but that's nice that the two girls got baptized. And PIZZA!!

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we seem to be experiencng the same things. Spam onigiri the other day and also we attended water baptism. lol ;-)


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