Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Tuesdays and Thursdays continue to be my favorite days of school.

We finally got our Siddhartha papers off our hands this morning during History class. Woohoo!! Everything depends on the instructor now... *starts to feel nervous* We also had a book quiz on the same subject (Siddhartha), and it was really easy, as long as you've read the book. Mr. Cassity also talked for 30 minutes about why college is important to us students. In the midst of it, he tore down some ads on the bulletin board trying to make students get credit cards (and go into debt) and threw the papers into the trash... I nearly clapped when he did that! :) He apparently hates to see students being exploited.

I ate lunch with myself as company while Priscilla drove off to pick up Erin from her intern workplace. After the lunch break, we all went to our 1:45pm classes.

During art class, I started on my new painting, the garden one by Pissarro that I put up on the blog yesterday. It's going to be a pretty challenging one, but I'm really excited about how it's going to turn out in the end! I couldn't take a picture of it (alas.. my camera ran out of battery!), but I can tell you that most of the painting is still blue from the underpainting.

I walked home with Erin, helped with dinner by making some cabbage soup, then finished up the final edition of my English essay No.3. For dinner, we had some frozen garlic pizza (which was good) and the cabbage soup.

Our prayer meeting in the evening was a really good one. We got to talk in ernest about what we should do for our church here. Each of us need to first be holy and blameless before God.

pic of the day: another one from the Japanese dance from Sunday... this was one weird dance. The ladies in funny costumes trying to dance are locals, and those cool young Japanese people from Yokohama are in the back, probably thinking "why am I doing this stupid dance?" They looked like they were having fun though.


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