A birthday party!
Just like most other Saturdays, we slept in today until about 9:30am... because it was the weekend, of course we took our time getting up, dressing, eating, etc. At around 11:40, Erin, Priscilla and I went to Dole Theatre to see a movie... a movie I'm not going to mention here because I don't want all the kids watching it.
Dole Theatre was nice because they had digital sound, but the seats were not the most comfortable ones around... Ward Theatres' seats are better, I think.
We got home in the afternoon and relaxed for a few hours at home. At around

At the party, where were Joe's family, the four of us, Nick & Heather's family, and a few neighbors. There

Kaila's birthday cake, made especially for her by her mom! That's Nika (left) and Kaila (right) together...

The dinner was really good, and so were the cakes! Joe's family is really cute and funny, and we just couldn't stop laughing when they got out two huge rubber, air-filled balls... the father and the girls were throwing those balls at each other! That's something we wouldn't normally see in Japanese families! LOL
After we had lots and lots of good time together, we came back home. After all that laughing, I'm pretty knackered! Off to bed now... tomorrow is Sunday! :)
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