Sunday, March 19, 2006

///////// still raining... /////////////////

Early this morning, there was a really loud thunderstorm which woke me up temporarily. The rainfall was so heavy that it probably caused floods in some places. The street in front of our house was like a stream!
In the morning, we had our church service; it was Naomi's turn to lead today. Since it was 3rd Sunday, we had communion as well, just like back in Japan! :D

For lunch, we ate out at the California Pizza Kitchen of Kahala Mall. I love some of their food... as usual, we couldn't finish everything and took the leftovers home for dinner. Afterwards, we looked around some shops at Kahala Mall then went home.

In the afternoon, I prepared my finished Photoshop image for tomorrow's critique. This involves printing out the picture and mounting it onto a whitel board. The thing is, I don't think that this "symbolic self-portrait" really describes me. I simply put in lots of random objects that I like... and things that I just simply wanted to put in. It ended up looking very.. red. Can't wait to see what the other students have made!

For dinner, we ate what we brought home from CPK: jambalaya, pizza, salad, and ravioli.

I hope that the weather will be better tomorrow... I do not want to get soaked again on campus!

Oh, and it seems like I am going to be able to get back to Japan very soon after this semester is finished.. and will stay there about 3 whole months! :D


At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooo.. nice pic ^^ it's so well made, I like the bird haha
I'm looking forward to seeing you in Japan soon !!

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

veeeeeeeeeeeeery cool. :D

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Elle said...

The picture is interesting. The mask look kinda scary though :P


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