Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Rainy Thanksgiving Eve

I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday's blog!! First miss! I was so intent on finishing up my English essay last night that I completely forgot about my blog! Well, at least there wasn't much to write about yesterday, except that I finished up my third painting!

Today was our last normal schoolday of the week. All our classes were pretty normal and easy today, although there was a quiz during English class.

What was most annoying about today was the weather... it was cloudy and drizzling slightly in the morning. Then, at lunchtime, it was really hot and sunny! We decided to hang the laundry outside... 20 minutes later, it was pouring like crazy!! We got to our math class all wet and muddy... yuk! Seriously, weather is unpredictable in Hawaii!

In the afternoon after all my classes were done, I helped Naomi cook food for Thanksgiving dinner. I made the mashed potatoes and washed some dishes.

From 7:00pm, we all attended the Thanksgiving Eve service at the Kaimuki church. It was pretty crowded, since it was a special occasion. Naomi and lots of other people performed a sign dance.
Later, a few people came up to talk about their ministries, then lots of random people stood up and said what they were thankful for.

This got a little dull after a while, but there were lots and lots of pies waiting for us after the service, which made us happy!! :D

I don't think I've ever seen so many plates of pies in one place before! This picture is only a part of the whole thing.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which means there is no school! We are also inviting lots of people over to our house for Thanksgiving dinner. Looking forward to it!
I hope the weather clears up a bit though.


At 1:13 AM, Blogger Elle said...

Wow! The picture you drew looks so nice~!

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are getting better and better in your painting. :-)

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree :D


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