Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rain and thunder!!

Today, Erin went on her intern again, so Priscilla and I were the only ones at home. When we woke up, the weather seemed to be simply cloudy, but before long it started pouring outside. Soon, it was accompanied by lightning and roaring thunder. Some of it was pretty close, and we heard it strike the ground with a "pang!" a few times.
Well I'll stop writing about the weather now.. It's like I've been doing this in every post.

I ended up staying at home all day. Seriously, I don't feel like going outside on days like this. We had fun at home though... during lunchtime, we watched the Legend of Zorro. Of course we made fun of its cheesy scenes, but I still think Zorro is so cool! 8)

During late afternoon and early morning, I made some wallpapers for my auntie.. I think she likes them, because she's now asking if I can make more! I'm starting to really enjoy making wallpapers.

Erin came back after 5:00pm. Priscilla had to leave for her drum practice about an hour later, so Erin and I ate dinner first. At night, I watched "Veggietales: Sheeluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler", which is a lesson about friendship. As always, it was very cute. There's a short story in it called "Asparagus of La Mancha", which I found amusing... I think its jokes are hard to get, though, unless you know the original Don Quixote musical "Man of La Mancha".

This spring break feels pretty long.. I'm starting to find it hard to imagine going back to school when it's over!


At 1:33 AM, Blogger Elle said...

Lol! 'Veggietales: Sheerluck Holmes' sounds very interesting. (^_^) Nice that you watched 'Legend of Zorro'


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